

就业增长 2021-2031
全国新增就业岗位 2021-2031

The ODU Paralegal Program was designed by and is taught exclusively by practicing attorneys and judges. 在短短四个月内, students will gain the knowledge and skills most desired in the workplace and used daily by paralegals. 你的职业道路始于学习法律程序, 法院结构, 面试, 调查, 文档准备, 文件维护, 对应, 研究, 写作和分析. 除了, 学生将探索法律的实质性主题, 比如侵权行为法, 合同法与民事诉讼, using online legal 研究 with individual subscriptions to LexisNexis and West法律.



你想和顾问谈谈吗? 请填写下面的表格,我们会与您保持联系!



Attend an information session and let us tell you more about the program!



你将学习法律程序, 法院结构, 面试, 调查, 文档准备, 文件维护, 对应, 研究, 写作和分析, 以及法律的实质性主题, 比如侵权行为法, 合同法与民事诉讼. Our students also learn LexisNexis and West法律, two powerhouses in legal 研究.

我们的导师都是执业律师或法官, 这意味着他们不仅拥有高等学位, 但他们有实战经验,能告诉你怎么放 理论 成 实践.

我们的学生在准备简历方面接受指导, 调整求职方法,提高面试技巧. 此外, program graduates can request their resume to be posted on the ODU Paralegal 研究生 site, and Norfolk area 法律 firms are notified of the availability of new certificate holders upon program completion.

你将学习法律程序, 法院结构, 面试, 调查, 文档准备, 文件维护, 对应, 研究, 写作和分析, 以及法律的实质性主题, 比如侵权行为法, 合同法与民事诉讼. Our students also learn LexisNexis and West法律, two powerhouses in legal 研究.

我们的导师都是执业律师或法官, 这意味着他们不仅拥有高等学位, 但他们有实战经验,能告诉你怎么放 理论 成 实践.

我们的学生在准备简历方面接受指导, 调整求职方法,提高面试技巧. 此外, program graduates can request their resume to be posted on the ODU Paralegal 研究生 site, and Norfolk area 法律 firms are notified of the availability of new certificate holders upon program completion.


Our paralegal certificate courses are taught by an esteemed faculty of judges, so you'll get in-depth legal instruction directly from those who've reached the pinnacle of the legal profession. Our program offers real-world paralegal instruction on topics you'll use every day in your career. 仅涵盖的几个主题包括: 

  • 法律领域概论: Students will learn what kind of job opportunities exist and what tasks a paralegal may perform.
  • 法律术语: By presenting an actual legal matter and following it throughout the legal process, 向学生介绍最相关的法律术语. The case presented is tracked through both civil and criminal court procedures.
  • 面试的客户: Specific techniques will be presented and discussed for conducting client interviews.
  • 律师事务所调查: 跳过跟踪, 正式和非正式的证人陈述, the obtaining of public documents and other investigative matters are presented.
  • 恳求的准备: 学生将学习诉状,并准备传票和诉状.
  • 法律研究技能:通过动手操作, 互动式培训设备, students will learn proper 法律 library utilization: how to locate primary authority, 如何使用二手资料, 如何更新研究来源, how to validate authority using Shepard's and how to utilize specific legal materials. 

哪种课程形式最适合你,校内还是在线? 虽然你学到的技能是相同的, 您需要确定哪种交付方式最适合您. 考虑以下几点:


  • 由法官和律师亲自指导
  • 每周两个晚上,持续四个月
  • 广泛的在线学习支持
  • 成功的毕业生可以进入最靠谱的网赌软件 律师助理证书
  • 对于喜欢更有条理的环境的学生来说是件好事


  • 按自己的节奏进行,并随时注册
  • 在你方便的时候在线学习
  • 每个学生都有自己的律师/法官指导员
  • 学生将获得导师的电子邮件和电话号码
  • 成功的毕业生可以进入最靠谱的网赌软件 律师助理证书
  • 最适合那些自律和专注的学生

无论你选择哪种格式都是最适合你的, 请放心,你将获得同样的技能和知识. 成功完成课程的学生将获得 最靠谱的网赌软件律师助理证书.


The paralegal profession continues to be among the fastest growing of any profession in the nation. 以下是节选自 U.S. 劳工统计局 律师助理职业的就业前景:

"就业 of paralegals and legal assistants is projected to grow 10 percent from 2019 to 2029, 比所有职业的平均水平快得多.

As 法律 firms try to increase the efficiency of legal services and reduce their costs, 预计他们将雇佣更多的律师助理和法律助理. 在这些情况下, paralegals and legal assistants can take on a "hybrid" role within the firm, performing not only traditional paralegal duties but also some of the tasks previously assigned to legal secretaries or other legal support workers.

Law firms also are attempting to reduce billing costs as clients push for less expensive legal services. Due to their lower billing rates to clients, paralegals can be a less costly alternative to 律师在美国,他们承担着曾经由初级律师完成的各种各样的任务. This should cause an increase in demand for paralegals and legal assistants.

Although 法律 firms will continue to be the largest employers of paralegals, many large corporations are increasing their in-house legal departments to cut costs. 对很多公司来说, the high cost of outside counsel makes it more economical to have an in-house legal department. This will lead to an increase in the demand for legal workers in a variety of settings, 比如金融和保险公司, 咨询公司, 医疗保健提供者.

由于电子发现的兴起, formally trained paralegals with strong computer and database management skills should have the best job prospects."

资料来源:美国劳工统计局.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Paralegals and 法律 Assistants, at http://www.bls.gov/ooh/legal/paralegals-and-legal-assistants.htm(2021年2月18日浏览).


为将来做律师助理做准备, 个人可以选择参加四年制学士学位课程, 两年的副学士学位课程或律师助理证书课程. It may surprise you to learn that graduates of paralegal certificate programs are compensated at a significantly higher rate than graduates of other forms of paralegal education. 为什么? Because certificate programs have the advantage of focusing the entire education 经验 on paralegal skills. Certificate programs offer the highest quality of paralegal education at an affordable cost.

当然, 律师助理的收入差别很大, 取决于教育, 培训, 经验, 雇主的类型和规模以及工作的地理位置. The 劳工统计局 currently reports an average annual salary of $51,律师助理和法律助理是740英镑, 比所有工人的年薪都高.


在当今竞争异常激烈的劳动力市场, 你需要一些技能来帮助你在人群中脱颖而出. 用ODU的方便, 自学法律课程, 你可以在短短几个月内提升你的法律事业.  ODU’s 律师助理专业证书 provide graduates the opportunity to concentrate on high demand segments of the 法律 that they are passionate about, 例如破产法, 老法, 医疗保健法, 移民法及其他!

  • Complete the online programs at your own pace, with no trips to campus required.
  • 向杰出的法律专业人员学习.
  • 获得由主要研究型大学支持的受欢迎的证书.
  • Convenient registration happens on an open-enrollment basis — no application required.
  • We recommend that participants in this self-paced program have a degree in Paralegal Studies, 已经修完律师助理证书了吗, 或者至少有四年的律师助理工作经验.







  • 6 - 8:30 p.m.
  • 星期二 & 周四




$5,670 包括书本在内的学费

$4,995 没有书本的学费 (自费购买书籍约500美元)






按照你自己的节奏. 学生有6个月的时间完成课程.


在线自学. 学生被指派一名私人导师来帮助指导他们.


$7,670 包括书本在内的学费

$6,995 没有书本的学费 (自费购买书籍约500美元)



ODU's helpful staff can assist you in determining if you might qualify for any number of various funding options that could assist you with non-credit continuing educational opportunities to improve your marketability and advance your career.


To withdraw from the Paralegal course, you must send a request in writing to cepd@chengyishizhu.com (7)课程开始日期前. 未参加课程不构成退学. 课程注册费,少于100美元.00美元的手续费将退回到您原来的付款方式. 一旦开始上课,就不能退款. 在开课前六(6)天或更短时间内逾期退课, 学生会被收取100美元吗.00 processing fee, as well as charges for books and/or other course material fees.